Summer is just around the corner, which means now is the time to look at summer plans for your children, including their summer family visitation schedules.
A number of parents involved in custody situations have summer visitation schedules that differ from the normal visitation schedule that is in place through the school year.
A commonly used summer visitation schedule is Judge Brown’s Standard Summer Visitation, which states:
The visiting parent shall have one (1) two (2)-week period and two (2) one (1)-week periods (with at least one [1] week in between each visitation period) of visitation during the summer. He/She shall pick the weeks in writing on or before May 1st of each odd-numbered year. Moreover, on or before May 15th of each even-numbered year.
The custodial parent shall have two (2) full weeks during the summer. He/She shall pick the weeks in writing on or before May 1st of each even-numbered year. Moreover, on or before May 15th of each odd-numbered year. The weeks shall start on a Friday at six (6:00 p.m.) and end on a Friday at six (6:00 p.m.).
In dealing with a custody matter, it is important to address your specific situation. Sometimes, your situation may be conducive to adopting a standard arrangement such as Judge Brown’s above; however, more often than not, the situation calls for a more tailored arrangement.
Whether it is summertime or school time, it’s always time to be sure you are aware of your custody arrangement.
If you have concerns about your custody arrangement or difficulties reaching agreements with the other parent, contact the family law attorneys at Hyde Law Firm, P.A. for a consultation.